mi descripciones
"¡Hola! me llama es Janice, apellido es Ting. Yo tengo veintiuno años. estoy estudiando actualmente el español para mi SSC. Yo hablo 4 lenguas: inglés, mandarín, malayo y un poquito de español. Estoy soltera. Yo soy bastante alta, delgada, rubia, simpática, inteligente y trabajadora. Yo tengo el pelo largo, liso y negro. Mis ojos son marrones. Yo siempre llevo gafas.
En mi familia hay 8 personas: mis padres (mi padre y mi madre), 2 hermanas y 3 hermanos. Yo tengo 2 hermanas mayores y 3 hermanos menores. Mis padres trabajos comos ingenieros. Mis hermanos todavía están estudiando. Mis hermanas están estudiantes de medicina en las universidad de Leeds."
i'm studying Spanish for my SSC at the moment. Somehow I'm the weaker student in the class because I find it really difficult to understand the language. My teacher would suddenly come out with a question in Spanish and she would start asking everyone in the class. Unfortunately I was the 2nd one who got asked and I couldn't understand what she was asking. i was like, 'uh...uh..erm...I don't understand.'
And then she said, 'ok, i will come back to you later.' and she continue asking other students with the same question. Surprisingly everyone could answer. It means I have got to work harder and listen to more Spaniards talking!
I bet most of your classmates learnt French at school. That would make it easier to learn Spanish.
yeah. I agree with u. coz one of my classmates who has ever learn spanish before (but learned french) could pick up really fast
Ha, my son reading medicine in Bristol was thinking of taking French or was it German? Couldn't remember.
So why Spanish for you? UK too cold for you?
haha. nope. I wanted to take French but then my friend who did the Spanish module before got an A so I could get some help from there =)
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