Friday, February 29, 2008

bon voyage Tze Way!

28th Feb 2008.

As I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth today, I realised that the sill where all the toothbrushes were was a little bit bare.

Only then it dawned on me that Tze Way - my housemate - has left UK for good finally today. I won't be seeing him that soon anymore.

Suddenly I miss his lame jokes.

Suddenly I miss his cooking.

Suddenly I miss listening to him talking the same story over and over again.

Suddenly I miss the time when he used to stop by my room before going to the shower.

Suddenly I miss hearing him strumming the guitar.

Suddenly I miss listening to him singing in church.

I miss him making some childish acts too.

The house seems quieter now without him. I was struggling to fight back tears when I wished him goodbye that day. But I managed to choke out "一路顺风" to him and he chuckled, 'yeah, 最好一路顺风因为飞机要顺着风飞..."



lame lame. Typical Tze Way.

Anyway, before I end this post, I wish you all the best in M'sia Tze Way, and continue to bring laughter to people with your occasional crazy acts. God Bless. See you sometime soon!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Encounter weekend 2008

Encounter weekend 2008 (22nd Feb - 24th Feb)

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matt 11:28-30)

Putting a stone on either one (or both) of the sheets with the writing 'forgiveness' and 'healing' means letting go things which have been holding us back from God.

The Lord has been to times even worse than us. When we feel rejected, think of the times when He was rejected by people who He had healed, His 12 disciples, the soldiers, the chief priests and the teachers of law...He understands what we are going through and He has been through rejections worst than ours.

When we feel unforgiving towards people, think about Jesus who, towards the end of His life, still said the well-known verse - "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34). He has every reason to be unforgiving towards people but chose not to. Instead He died on the cross for our sins.

In each encounter weekend I learned different things. I realised that spiritual-wise I have grown quite a lot since last time. But still I'm no where near an authentic Christian. Somehow I still have grudges with people I don't know why. Perhaps it's their attitude which I dislike but I have to learn to accept them no matter what they are coz we are brothers and sisters in Christ!

God has touched me in certain areas of my life in each encounter. I thank God and praise God for that.

Thank You Lord for making known certain areas of my life which need Your touch and Your power as I know I can't overcome them on my own. I pray that O Lord You will continue to do Your work in my life and help me to become a Christian who do not try to do big things to earn Your favour but to experience the fullness of the spirit even in doing the simplest things. Thank You Lord. Amen.

Monday, February 25, 2008

new bicycle

my new bike which I got as a gift from a church friend Ken Wu in early January. I was supposed to blog about this but keep forgetting.

Stephanie said that when she saw Ken's wife passing the bicycle lock key to me, it was like 'the bicycle is yours now. You are now the owner of the bike.'

It's a very good bike actually. 21 speeds, quite light (but the wheels are massive!), good grip and good brakes. My Royal Mail friend saw it and he said, 'wa, bagusnya cycle ini.'

it's pretty cool too

so Ah Jon, jealous or not? haha =P

Thank You Lord for the people that You put around me as through them I could feel Your love. I thank You and praise You for that!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

nice song


(定)我從不相信自己 也無法面對現實
(潘)當生命失去了光 我就失去了方向

(宣)前路依然很模糊 要掙脫許多束縛
(許)你讓我依靠 讓我堅強 你守護在我身旁

(宥)每當我需要依靠你 你一定會在這裡
(合)有你的地方 就有陽光

(安)你還是和我在一起 給我無限的勇氣

(鴨+謝)路依然走得困難 當我變成了負擔

(合)每當我需要依靠你 你一定會在這裡
(合)有你的地方 就有陽光 你總會在我身旁

(合)每當我需要依靠你 你一定會在這裡(就在這裡:安)
(合)有你的地方 就有陽光(潘:就有陽光)

(合)我需要依靠你(定:要依靠你) 你就在這裡
(合)有你的地方 就有陽光

Friday, February 08, 2008

peanut cookies!

Happy CNY everyone!

I wanted to try something new this year by trying to make kuih mo mo which I've been craving for ages.

But the cookies turned out hard and it didn't melt in my mouth!

So, I'm back to what I made last yr...peanut cookies

the pic doesn't look nice coz i was taking it in a rush but it tasted good!

I realised that I've forgotten the recipe until Melvin told me about it just for remembrance purposes...

recipe for peanut cookies:
250g peanut (deskinned)
250g castor sugar
250g flour

Egg wash:
1 egg yolk lightly beaten with 1 tsp water

1. fry the peanuts in a pan until brown in colour. Dun need to add oil to fry. Just remember to keep stirring the pan or else it will get burnt.

2. Crush the peanuts until tiny bits using a miller and mix in the flour and sugar. Mix well.

3. lastly, the peanut cookie success-determining point --> add in oil, bit by bit until u produce a dough which is jz enough to make round balls. Do not add in too much oil or else it will become too soft. Neither do not add in too little or else it will produce little cracks when u take it out from the oven.

4. Brush the peanut balls with egg wash.

5. put in preheated oven, 175 degree celcius for 10-15 min.

the recipe is simple! but it takes quite a lot of hard work esp when rolling the balls. But the hard work paid off when u taste the cookies!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Can you imagine....

Can you imagine...

Janice without that 'special' ear of hers???

it's called preauricular remnant. Meaning it should have disappeared when I was still in mummy's tummy, but it didn't for me

my plastic surgeon church friend told me that I could have them removed in the NHS (meaning free) if I ask my GP to refer me to a plastic surgeon.

He says it can either be done under local or general anaesthetic depending on how the piece of remnant is attached to my ear. I will be walking out from the hospital on the same day my 'ears' are removed.


can u imagine me without my special ears?
fastest plastic surgery ever! haha